Floor Plans
It is helpful to provide simplified floor plans or map to help visitors to navigate through a real house or a virtual one. Excellent for schools, museums and other large, public places.
Sometimes when building is modified in its initial construction or in subsequent renovations, it is necessary to create new floor plans to show the actual and current layout of the home. Working with whatever plans are available, a careful walk-through, and measured assessment of the home will allow me to modify existing floor plans, or create completely-new plans.
Color Floor Plan Illustrations
From provided plans / Digital process and files / For marketing property.

BEFORE: Comprehensive floor plans can make it difficult for potential buyers to envision to envision the finished home.

AFTER: A clean, colorful illustration can help convey scale and use of space quickly.
Simple Floor Plan Illustrations
From provided plans / Digital process and files / For marketing property.

BEFORE: Building plans are usually confusing to read and cumbersome to handle.

AFTER: Clear, easy-to-read floor plans for perspective buyers. Created at any stage of construction.